
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Nature Center

Over Spring Break we had a great time together as a family. It was so nice not to worry about driving Vincent to school or juggling Max's classes and schoolwork with his job. But one day in particular was especially great. This is the day we discovered Tonaquint Park right here in our neighborhood.

We drive past this park every day on our way to Vincent's preschool and have always wanted to go. It has a community garden, a walking trail, a playground, tennis and volleyball courts, and our favorite part...

The Nature Center.

The Nature Center has a pond that is home to at least fifty ducks and three swans. And let me tell you, they are NOT afraid of humans in the slightest.

It was so relaxing to stand on the deck of the Nature Center and watch them do their thing. There is also a duck food vending machine that we used all our quarters on so we could feed them. They went crazy for it! At one point in time Vincent got a little too brave and went to the edge of the water to let them eat it out of his hand. I figured they wouldn't, but to my surprise they didn't even hesitate to come to shore and walk right up to him! I kind of pulled him away and didn't let him though.... Those swans scared me a little bit. They are as big as he is!

So we spent a decent amount of time here that day, but eventually we decided we should check out the rest of the park. So we took a little walk on the trails...

And eventually found the playground. Vincent was thrilled about this of course. The kids played on it for quite a while. It was a little chilly that day, but they were having so much fun it didn't bother them at all.

And of course, Max found some trees and gave them a climb....

Vincent tried to climb the trees too, but it was a little too difficult for him so he found a rock to climb instead.

Not that he minded. =)

So that was our day. We had so much fun and got lots of great pictures out of it. I am thinking of doing our next family photo here as well. We have been back a few times since and just love it. It was such a great discovery!

Until next time!

The Smiths

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