
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Back to School

We had a fantastic Summer spending quality time together as a family. But now it's back to the old grind as the school year starts up again!

Max started his Sophomore year at Dixie State University on the 19th. This semester he isn't taking quite as many classes, which is a relief because last semester was really rough! But the classes that he is taking are really cool! First of all, he is starting his first of many classes in Japanese! It's been really cool watching him write kanji and greet everyone in Japanese. Also in his class schedule is Computer Programming. He has been having TONS of fun writing computer code. He did it for 2 hours straight the other day and loved every minute of it! He is also taking Chemisty & a Chemistry Lab, which he is kicking butt at! In their first lab experiment, he finished first AND had the best results in the school! Go Max!

As for Vincent, he started Kindergarten at Coral Cliffs Elementary on the 21st. His teacher's name is Mrs. Bryner who we think is just great! Plus, he had his first picture day the first day of school! What a day for him! We drove him to school on the first day to make sure that he knew where he was going, but on the second day we put him on the school bus for the very first time. It was SO nerve-wracking! I've never been so worried in my life! I made some cookie dough and ate almost half the batch while I waited for him to come home. I was a wreck!! But he got off the bus just fine when the time came, and I felt much better about putting him on the bus the following day.

He is having a fantastic time in Kindergarten, too! Every day he asks me how long it is until he gets to go to school. Silly kid! I wasn't worried though, Vincent has NEVER had any problems making friends. He is a such a friendly, sweet, outgoing boy.

Eva is obviously not in school yet, but she does have a lot of fun playing with the other kids at the bus stop while we wait with Vincent. She also loves to wave to him as the bus pulls away! It's adorable!

So now we are busy as ever again, but we still have some fun stuff to look forward to in the near future! I will update as often as I can. Thanks for stopping by. =)

The Smiths

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